In a heartfelt endeavor to immerse young students in the enchanting world of animation and kindle their passion for careers in this vibrant field, the creators of ‘The Glassworker,’ Pakistan’s pioneering hand-drawn animated feature film, have taken their remarkable work directly to schools.
This initiative, known as ‘The Glassworker School Tour,’ commenced with great enthusiasm in Karachi. On Wednesday, Usman Riaz, the visionary director behind the film, visited two schools as part of the campaign. During these visits, he not only showcased the film’s captivating trailer but also engaged in enlightening interactions with the students.
Riaz transported the audience through an enthralling journey behind the scenes of ‘The Glassworker.’ He offered a detailed glimpse into the intricate creative process and the various production stages that meticulously brought the animated masterpiece to life. This deep dive into animation was designed to demystify the industry for young minds and to spark their interest further.
Riaz emphasized that the primary goal of this campaign is to nurture and promote the animation industry within Pakistan. “The new generation is fascinated by animation and holds a keen interest in this industry,” he remarked. “However, they often lack awareness about the various stages involved in animation production. My aim is to provide them with comprehensive education about these processes to foster even greater interest and involvement.”
Furthermore, there are plans in place to extend this campaign to Lahore, thereby reaching a broader audience. Following the trailer screening and an engaging Q&A session, students were delighted to receive film merchandise. Their excitement for animation was palpable, and many expressed a firm commitment to experiencing ‘The Glassworker’ on the big screen.
Mano Animation Studios, in collaboration with Geo Films, crafted ‘The Glassworker,’ which has since been showcased in numerous cinemas nationwide under the banners of Geo Films and Mandviwalla Entertainment. Since its release, this animated gem has received widespread acclaim and has achieved impressive box office success.
By bringing this initiative to schools, the creators of ‘The Glassworker’ are not only sharing their art but also sowing the seeds for a thriving future in Pakistan’s animation industry.